Career Planning and Graduates Coordination

Click on the Career Planning and Graduates Coordinator web page.

Our Mission is to strengthen the relationship between our students, and the concept and emotion of “Being a Dokuz Eylül member” by helping our students who are preparing to business world, to shape their career aims and by providing their personal development needs. Strengthen university, student and employer ties with career counseling services, personal development trainings and support for career days organizations throughout the year. In this context, the objectives of the coordinator are;

Identifying the internal (student clubs, academicals, administrative units etc.) and the external (the other universities, associations, non-governmental / non-profit organizations etc.) stakeholders and to provide coordination with them.

  • Organizing courses, seminars etc. giving courses about CV preparation and job interview techniques to support our students’ personal developments along with academically educations.
  • Providing mentorship services to our students who are preparing business life, about lots of topics like alternate career plans, abroad experiences, internship applications etc.
  • Organizing “Career Fairs” and supporting the ones organized by our academic units, with the aim of bringing together the representatives of business world and the students of our university.
  • While our alumni starting to their business life, providing mentorship services about each topic that they may need help about first job application or even about choosing a job.
  • With the aim of sustaining “Being a Dokuz Eylül member” concept which is created in student life, keeping in touch with our alumni and cooperating with them.
  • Providing a strong image to our university and increase the qualification of students who applied our university by increasing recognition level of our university. Achieving this increase by whole qualified labor force we brought the business world in, also by strong cooperation with business world and our alumni.



You can reach the academic departments of Dokuz Eylül University, career fields after graduation and all details about university life in Dokuz Eylul HERE for university preference.



In order to reach our graduated students more effectively, you can fill out our Graduate Information Form in order to inform them of our activities and announcements in line with their needs. Details can be found HERE.