Food Technology Program

Food Technology Program

The aim of the Food Technology Program is to train intermediate staff who have theoretical and practical knowledge about food raw materials, food composition, processing, physical, chemical and microbiological quality control, food safety and food legislation, and who can work in production and quality control laboratories in the food industry with this knowledge. It is aimed to raise responsible individuals who will work in the food and service sector with high communication skills, basic foreign language knowledge and computer use, ability to follow the agenda and food legislation closely, and at the same time, be able to associate and apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired with contemporary life, have problem-solving skills, have sufficient ethical knowledge, be sensitive.

Graduates of the Food Technology Program, with the title of ‘Food Technician’, ensure that foodstuffs are produced, packaged, stored and delivered to the consumer in accordance with health conditions, and they carry out chemical and microbiological analyzes and interpret them. They work as intermediate technical personel in public institutionsc as Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Control Laboratories, Hygiene Institute, Municipalities, Provincial Health Directorates, etc. and private sector organizations such as (enterprises where aquatic products, vegetable and fruit products are processed and stored, quality control centers of enterprises where drinking, domestic and industrial water, meat, dairy products, sugary and floury food products are produced, environmental protection laboratories and pharmaceutical enterprises). They can also find workspace in private food businesses that they can establish themselves.